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What to expect

We understand that visiting a church for the first time can be a little nerve-racking, especially if you are not sure what to expect.  Here are some answers to frequently asked questions to give you a better idea about what THRIVE is all about.


Where do we meet

Please visit our "How to Get Here?" page for more info or click here.


What time is our Sunday Service

We meet 10am Sunday mornings.


What is a Sunday Service like

When you walk through the doors at THRIVE, a friendly usher will be there to greet you.  If you brought kids, you can check them in at the front desk and let them join one of our excellent children’s programs.


Service begins at 10am and ends at approximately 11:30am.  Our worship service consists of 3 major parts.  First, our band leads us in a powerful time of worship as we sing songs together about Jesus.  Second, we teach an engaging message showing how the Bible applies to our lives today.  Third, we respond through prayer, giving to support the work at THRIVE, and taking part once a month in communion.   Each week the atmosphere of our services is upbeat, warm, and inspiring.   


Do I need to be a Christian in order to attend a service

No!  We are a diverse community.  That means that some of us are just checking out Jesus and the Bible for the first time, while others of us have been going to church for years. 


Whatever your background, everybody is welcome. 


What should I wear

At THRIVE we try to keep things easy and comfortable.  So come as you are! 


What about my kids

THRIVE is a family-friendly place.  We believe children are precious to God and so we do our best to provide a fun, excellent and safe environment where kids can learn about Jesus.  

For infants, we have a nursery where parents can be with their infant children while watching the service broadcasted on closed circuit TV.

For more about our children’s ministry, visit our children’s ministry page here.


What other programs and ministries does THRIVE offer

Please visit our "Connect" page for more info or click here.

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